Carrie Underwood's Sexy Videos War Against The Souls Of Men

By David J. Stewart

Job 8:22, “They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to nought.”

       I'm so sick and tired of seeing and hearing people cheer for the lamest, rotten and and most Godless idols in the world. Carrie Underwood is at the top of the sleaze idol list, being featured on AMERICAN IDOL as numero uno!

On Carrie Underwood's website, at the bottom right corner, it says “FOLLOW CARRIE” and then there's links to numerous social networking websites. May I say, don't follow the Devil by following Carrie Underwood. You need to follow Jesus instead. I don't even want to link to her shameful website, because she's arrogant and proud. Anyone who places self instead of God on the throne of one's life is sinfully arrogant and proud.

The magazine cover to the right is just one of hundreds featuring America's new icon idol superstar, Carrie Underwood, Who has no fear of God before her eyes. See the rest of the magazine covers on this webpage. Of (literally), hundreds of magazine covers featuring Carrie Underwood, 90% of them mention SEX, SEX, SEX!

Underwood is also the world's biggest sellout, crossing over from Gospel to Rock in just a few years. Carrie Underwood is a god to several million fans. She's now considered an icon of American society, and not just an idol anymore. It's frightening when one considers what the upcoming generation is going to become as adults. 

Of all people, Carrie Underwood has yoked together with Steven Tyler, bi-sexual leadman for the pop, heavy-metal band, AEROSMITH...

Carrie Underwood rocked American Idol and achieved crossover success with ''Before He Cheats'' in '06/’07 and it looks like she's headed there again with her latest ''Good Girl'' (the rock influence of her friend and collaborator Steven Tyler, of Aerosmith, is clearly evident on this track) which just debuted at #1.

Carrie Underwood became famous in 2005 on her debut album with the hit song, “JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL.” Now in 2012 Underwood is stripping naked and seducing her fans with sexually immoral videos; such as the disgraceful video, GOOD GIRL, which has been voted song of the year by CMT and other reprobate groups.

Job 15:16, “How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water?”

Carrie Underwood hypocritically sings, “Jesus Take The Wheel,” but her numerous appearances on the cover of SELF magazine is evidence of who's really in control of Underwood's life... she is! I've edited these magazine covers for modesty purposes, because Carry Underwood likes to pose in her underwear quite often. Some magazine covers are so filthy that I'd have to block out her entire body, because all she's wearing is a skimpy bikini and bare bra.

All magazine covers have been edited to cover indecency...

Psalms 36:1,  “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.”

Here Miss Underwood is featured in a perverted magazine friendly toward lesbians and homosexuals... featuring the sexual smut article, “HOW TO TOUCH A NAKED MAN.” Notice, not husband, but “man.” Below that the magazine advertises about relationships. When a woman says, “I'm not in a relationship right now,” what she really means is, “I've temporarily stopped whoring around.” ...

Daniel 12:10, “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand!”

Notice the prevalent theme of SEX, SEX, SEX in all these magazines featuring Carrie Underwood. Here's another SELF magazine featuring Underwood and the article, “HOTTER, CAREFREE SEX!” If you want carefree sex, get MARRIED! People have given up on Marriage because nearly 60% of all divorces are now ending in divorce. The divorce rate has hit 75.54% in southern California! ...

Psalms 50:22, “Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.”

Here is Carrie Underwood again featuring the article, “AMERICAN IDOL Carrie Underwood's best tip: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!” As you can see, an obsession with the body, immoral sex and self are inseparable. ...

Job 18:21, “Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.”

It's VEGAS Carrie! SIN CITY Las Vegas is next to home for Carrie Underwood, America's whorish darling idol. Notice the title by Underwood's hands... “FROM IDOL TO ICON.” This is tragic! Carrie Underwood has now become an icon, a representation, of the America woman... LEWD, RUDE and CRUDE!

Styx, Foreigner... Rock 'N' Roll. Pool parties! Cher! These are the subjects popular in Las Vegas today. What HAPPENS in Vegas is RECORDED in Heaven! Carrie Underwood is no hero, no idol in Heaven and is in serious trouble with God for destroying the lives of millions of young people by leading them into a life of feminism, sexual immorality and selfishness.

Let the unsaved, heathen and ungrateful world worship Satan and idolize followers of Satan like Carrie Underwood. But I'm going to side with God's children and trust in my Savior, Jesus the Christ, departing from evil and seeking the Lord's face of blessing in my life. I'm not perfect, but I want to be. I'm not what I want to be, but thank God I'm not what I used to be. How about you?

I plead with you young people to follow Jesus Christ and His Word, not some bimbo harlot that takes her clothes off for money and fame. Anyone who sings about Jesus while stripping nearly naked in concert is serving the Devil. This isn't a one time mistake; but rather, Underwood's evil career. Carrie Underwood has made a career out of her body, and it's all about selling sex appeal, sensual magazine covers, lewd concerts and videos... tens-of-thousands of shameful images. There's over 80,000 images just on one website I found of Carrie Underwood. It's disgusting. But you WON'T find one Bible Verse from the woman who claims to have given Jesus the wheel of her life. I think not!

I know a bunch of people are going to be angry at me for exposing their idol, but God's on my side because I'm on His side. It's a sin for women to strip down naked and dance sensually on TV. If I had my way Carrie Underwood and the people behind her sexy videos would all be in prison for a long time for deliberately hurting others. Just because everybody's doing it doesn't make it right. Public lewdness is evil. Immodesty is a sin. I guess I shouldn't expect a culture that has murdered over 53,000,000 of its own children to understand. I guess such wickedness shouldn't come as a surprise in a society that is about to legalize same-sex marriage at the Supreme Court level. Public nudity is bad enough, but Carrie Underwood is gyrating her hips, showing her thighs, wearing sexy bedroom attire. It's whoredom!!!

If enough Americans felt the way I do, we'd be able to run the wicked out of this nation! And a glorious day that would be! Thankfully (and I get goosebumps just thinking about it) the Lord is literarily coming back one day soon, and when He does the wicked are going to tremble as they face the reality of the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Carrie Underwood is headed for that Lake of Fire. Judas knew Jesus and went straight to Hell.

I say hooray to Jesus!!! Yeah Jesus!!! If you want to cheer and shout for lesbians and bisexuals, for God-haters and seducers, for blasphemers and adulterers, for sluts and sleazy singers, for drunkard actors and drug-addicted entertainers, for immoral sports athletes and rebels, for sicko comedians and low-life American Idols, for idolaters and sex-perverts—then you go right on ahead my friend, but Jesus Christ is coming back soon, and He's not in a good mood (I assure you) over the wickedness in the world today.

Hebrews 1:9 quotes Psalms 45:7 concerning Christ, “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” Psalms 97:10, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” The Lord hates evil and so should we as Christians. Sadly, most professed Christians today are cowards, silent concerning public evils and abominations. Carrie Underwood is leading a generation of youth into sexual immorality and sin. This is not of God.

Underwood's fans may think she is humble, but she's arrogant and sinfully proud. Anytime we choose to place our self upon the throne of our life instead of God, it's only because we are sinfully proud. Underwood's videos are all sensual, looking at the camera like she wants to have sex with the viewer. That's exactly what they're intended to do. It's all part of the Communist moral subversion of America. Sadly, young people today think everything's a big joke. The laugh about preaching and morals. When 42 children mocked Elisha's bald head as the preacher, telling him to get lost, two female bears tore them up severely and no doubt many died (2nd Kings 2:23-24).

Only a fool mocks the things of Jesus Christ. Noah's sons backed toward their father, taking great caution to avoid looking upon his nakedness. This teaches us the proper attitude toward nakedness. For Carrie Underwood to flaunt her healthy body that God gave her, wearing the attire of a prostitute, gyrating in sexual positions for every lustful man and woman to sinfully commit adultery in their heart with—is wickedness beyond description.

We read in 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” The Bible commands to abstain from fleshly lusts which DO WAR AGAINST THE SOUL. Carrie Underwood is deliberately helping Satan win the war against men's and women's souls. Sexual lust is one of the most powerful forces in this world. The Bible calls it a war against the soul. Isn't it a shame that what the Bible identifies as a war against the soul is a career for Carrie Underwood and thousands of other women like her in the music and entertainment industry? Men are having a hard enough time as it is.

Listen to Pastor Jack Hyles confront an immodestly dressed woman with an arrow pointing toward her crotch. Carrie Underwood stole the hearts of tens-of-millions of people around the world with her song, “JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL. It's sickening. The new morality in America is to worship Jesus as did Judas, while simultaneously committing sexual immorality worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Carrie Underwood's sexual immorality is being broadcast worldwide to hundreds-of-millions of people.

No one in Sodom ever broadcast anything, because they had no technology back then. What CMT is doing is a million times worse than Sodom. A mob of angry homosexuals gathered and threatened to break Lot's door down. They tried to rape Heaven, but were struck with blindness by the angels. Homosexuals don't have to break the door down these days, because dumb people invite them right into their home via the television.

A godly woman knows that men are having a hard time these days, and she loves God enough to love others enough not to recklessly and selfishly do anything to promote sexual lust, hurting families and destroying the souls of men. The wickedness is great these days, woefully unimaginable. Truly God is patient and long-suffering, and I believe only because there still are tens-of-thousands of born-again Christians who fear God in America, but they are becoming fewer and fewer each day.

I love Hebrews 11:5, “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”

Psalms 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”